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Twogether in Texas

establisHER+empowerHIM=embraceUS: A basic equation for LOVE UNITY & understanding in life

Started May 24
100 US dollars

Service Description

Are you looking for better ways to communicate with the person you love? Are you interested in having a strong, healthy relationship? Twogether in Texas is here to help. The Obsidian Luxe Group, a professional therapy practice, has partnered with Twogether In Texas to assist couples interested in pre-marital education. Our workshops and individual sessions aim to enhance your skills in: Communication Problem-Solving Goal Setting Effective Listening Conflict Resolution Blending Families Engaging in a course with The Obsidian Luxe Group as a recognized Twogether in Texas provider will lower your marriage license fee by $60 and eliminate the 72-hour waiting period. By exploring communication styles and expectations before marriage, you and your partner can gain a deeper understanding and mutual support, fostering a strong and enduring relationship. The Black LOVE AlgoRHYTHM is provided by establisHER + empowerHIM = embraceUS a basic equation for UNITY and LOVE.

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